
All Rise! (Collab with KarshGames)

Hello, people of the internet. It's me, Roy Johnson, back at it again with another crossword puzzle. This time I have something very special. My first ever collab puzzle on the blog. This was a special collaboration between myself and KarshGames, a fellow crossword streamer and crossword setter in the making. (He's already working on his next puzzle. Get hyped.) For this special collab, we have provided a simple offering today: a 15x15 themeless (although with a couple law/courtroom-related words sprinkled in the mix). This is Karsh's first puzzle and I helped make sure it came out as good as it could be. I'm sure you all will have a blast with it. Thanks to everybody who gives this puzzle a try. Karsh's comments on the puzzle:  This was a lot of fun, and it's definitely kickstarted a new hobby for me. I'm already working on a puzzle of my own! Check out Karsh's channel here . You should give him a follow. He's a chill dude! 👍 [  Full Screen  |  PUZ

Alphabet Soup #4

Long time, no puzz. Roy Johnson here and it certainly has been a while since you've seen a puzz from me. Not for lack of trying. But I guess I'm what you might call a " mood constructor ". I have some puzzles in the works but nary the inspiration or time to work on it consistently. But hey, here's a puzzle from me now. Specifically a Alphabet Soup , my series of midi pangram puzzles. I did something slightly  different with this puzzle going for a 11x13 grid instead of the usually 11x11, allowing for some more interesting entrees here. So hopefully, you'll enjoy it. Thanks to anybody who checks this puzzle out. Special thanks to  Jacob Reed   for test solving this. [  Full Screen  |  PUZ  ] Created by Roy Johnson using crossword maker by Amuse Labs

American-Style Crossword #7

Hello, everybody, my name is Roy Johnson. Hope you all are having a fantastic New Year's Eve ! 2023 was a wild year, so hopefully 2024 brings good fortune to you all. In celebration of this year coming to a close, along with this being my first year as a crossword setter, I decided to celebrate with one more puzzle before the year is over. This is a themeless American-style crossword , the type you'll usually see in the New York Times. No fancy shmancy themes or anything. Just a good ole typical crossword for you all to enjoy. So sit back, relax, and enjoy my seventh AS crossword . Happy New Years everybody. :) Special thanks to  Random Saucepan  and Warrigal  for test solving this. [  Full Screen  |  PUZ  ]

Alphabet Soup #3

It's that time of the season. That's right. It's Alphabet Soup  time. A midi pangram puzzle that contains every letter of the alphabet. Nothing more needs to be said. I hope you enjoy the puzzle. :) Special thanks to  Random Saucepan  for test solving this. [  Full Screen  |  PUZ  ]

Made In Japan (ASC #6)

Welcome back, everybody! It's me, Roy Johnson, back again with another awesome crossword. Well, hopefully you think it's awesome. I certainly think it's awesome. Regardless, this is a special 15x15 themeless crossword. Despite being themeless, there is still a special element about this particular crossword that I won't spoil here. Because of that special element, I will not be able to provide a .puz file for this crossword. My apologies. But hopefully, you still find this crossword very enjoyable and very awesome. 😀 Special thanks to  FiveCubed   for test solving this. Your feedback was greatly appreciated. [  Full Screen  ]

And The Winner Is... (Cryptic Midi #1 - Theme)

Lights, camera, action! It's time for a special movie-themed cryptic for you all. This one is themed after Oscar Night with a lot of Oscar-themed entries. See if you can discover them all. I worked very hard on this cryptic, wanting it to be the best it could be. So hopefully you enjoy it :)   Special thanks to  Bob Weisz   and juff   for test solving this cryptic. Your feedback was invaluable.  [  Full Screen  |  PUZ  ]

Alphabet Soup #2

What time is it? It's Alphabet Soup time. The second of a series of midi pangram puzzles. Midi meaning a crossword between mini and regular sized and pangram meaning puzzle that uses every letter of the alphabet. This should be a fun, quick, enjoyable little puzz from yours truly, Roy Johnson. Hope you enjoy :)  Special thanks to  FiveCubed   and  PuzzleJohn  for test solving this. [  Full Screen  |  PUZ  ]